The Web UK Magazine Autumn/Winter 2020 Click here to discover more
Right at this very moment the Autumn/Winter 2020 of The Web UK Magazine is winging its way to the printer, squeezing its 1.5gb through the fibre optic cables between us and them. If you listen carefully you can probably hear the cables groaning as the 60 page issue forces itself down the wire!

Once there a man will press a big red button marked 'Print', technological stuff will happen and hopefully sometime before the end of 2020 your copy will be on its way to you. Hopefully!


You have subscribed, haven't you? You definitely don't want to miss out on this issue... as usual it's full of interesting articles. We can't give anything away though as the Chief Racket Elf would withdraw our tea and biscuit privileges. Rest assured though, you don't want to miss out on this issue or the Christmas gift that comes with it.

If your subscription has run out make sure you resubscribe so that you don't miss out!

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